Conference Information
TENSYMP 2025: Spring conference of IEEE Region 10
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Christchurch, New Zealand
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Call For Papers
Theme for TENSYMP 2025 – “Innovations in Technology: Shaping the Future”

This theme is particularly relevant to IEEE and society as a whole, emphasizing the critical role of technology in tackling global challenges and shaping the future of industries. It holds special significance for Christchurch, New Zealand (the location for TENSYMP in 2025), reflecting how technology has driven the city’s recovery and revitalization following the earthquakes. This aligns closely with IEEE’s mission to advance technology for humanity and addresses the evolving needs of our modern world. 

Track 1: Artificial Intelligence & Digital Information

Advanced AI applications, Machine Learning, IoT, Big Data, 5G networks, Cloud Computing, AR/VR, Computational Social Science, Digital Twins, and Smart City Technologies.

Track 2: Biomedical Engineering, Health Tech & Resilient Communities

Topics: Biomedical Signal Processing, Wearable Sensors, Biomedical Imaging, Computational Systems, Nanobiotechnology, Resilient Healthcare Systems, Disaster Response Technologies.

Track 3: Communications & Aerospace Systems

Satellite Communications, Spacecraft Systems, RF, Microwave, Millimeter Wave, Antennas, IoT for Space Applications, Remote Sensing, Aerospace Electronics, Advanced Communications for Aviation.

Track 4: Control, Robotics, and Agritech

Robotics and Automation in Agriculture, Precision Farming Technologies, AI-driven Agricultural Systems, Intelligent Instrumentation, Control Systems, UAVs/Drones for Agritech.

Track 5: Power, Energy & Sustainable Transport

Renewable Energy Systems, Electric Vehicles, Charging Infrastructure, Smart Grids, Energy Storage, Advanced Hydrogen Solutions.

Track 6: Nanotechnology & Materials for the Future

Nanoelectronics, Biomaterials, Nanostructures, Additive Manufacturing, Advanced Materials for Aerospace and Biomedical Applications.

Special Track 1: Women in Engineering, Students / Young Professionals, and Diversity in STEM

Promoting inclusivity and diversity in STEM, career development for young professionals, networking opportunities

Special Track 2: Standards and Climate Change

Development and Implementation of Technical Standards, Global Standardisation for Emerging Technologies, Role of Standards in Combating Climate Change, Resilient Infrastructure Standards, Sustainability Metrics, Renewable Energy Standards, and International Collaboration.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-02-04
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