Conference Information
PIERS 2018: Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium
Submission Date:
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Toyama, Japan
Viewed: 18258   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
1. Paper Preparation:

Authors are invited to submit a one-page abstract. The abstract limit is one page but must have at least 250 words in English.

No full-length paper is required. The abstract should explain clearly the content and relevance of the proposed technical contribution. On a separate page list the following information: (1) Title of the paper, (2) Name, affiliation, and email of each author, (3) Mailing address, (4) Telephone/ Fax numbers, (5) Corresponding author and Presenting author, (6) Topic or Session organizer, if applicable, (7) State if poster presentation is preferred.

Your co-authors will be informed about the paper submission. Paper may not be displayed in the PIERS online program untill the emails of all the co-authors are submitted.

Please use On-Line-Submission to submit your contribution or via email ( by attachments.

Extended Paper: PIERS Proceedings for IEEE Xplore

Author of an accepted abstract is invited to (but is not required to) submit an extended paper of 3 - 8 pages. Extended papers will be reviewed by the session organizers or the TPC members. Accepted extended papers will be published in the final PIERS Proceedings after the conference provided the author is registered and pay non-refundable registration fee. Since 2016, PIERS proceedings will be submitted for archival in IEEE Xplore.

The extended papers will first be submitted to IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) for quality review before submission to IEEE Xplore. The IEEE GRSS can reject the paper for not meeting the quality standards.

The IEEE-GRSS has the following policies on conference publications

1. No show papers will not be submitted to IEEE Xplore. They are treated as rejected papers

2. Papers submitted to IEEE Xplore need to have a minimum length of 2 pages.

3. Papers should have no more than 40% overlap with prior publications

All the extended papers will be finalized in the PIERS Proceedings after the actual conference, and thus some feedback from the physical conference presentation may affect the final decision. Please note that the publisher reserves the right to revoke the acceptance or retract the publication in some extreme circumstances when it may become apparent that a previously published or accepted work significantly misrepresented the quality, veracity, or relevance of the presented results.

The one-page abstracts will be included in a CD-ROM, instead of printed hard copies, which will be attached to the printed Technical PIERS Program onsite. The PIERS proceedings including extended papers only will be published on IEEE Xplore and not be available on PIERS website since 2016. Kindly be aware that there is NO mail service of conference materials for PIERS participants.

For registered and paid abstract, there is NO additional publication charge for extended papers within 8 pages. The overlength page charge will be USD 50 per page. To pay the overlength page charge, please download the page charge form (PDF, DOC) and send to PIERS OFFICE via email or fax.

About EM Academy/PIERS Publications:
Please be aware that PIERS Symposia/Conference publications should not be published verbatim in other journals without more than 50% change of the content of the paper.

1) PIERS Abstracts:
All accepted and paid abstracts will be included in PIERS Abstracts and distributed onsite only since 2017.
2) PIERS Proceedings:
Kindly be aware that only full-length papers will be included in PIERS Proceedings. All submitted full-length papers will be typesetted in uniform PIERS format and the author will be required to proofread the typeset version and can make revisions in due time. PIERS Proceedings will be archived in IEEE Xplore since 2016.
3) PIER Journals:
PIER Journals (PIER, PIER B, C, M, and PIER Letters) are peer-reviewed journals and sponsored by The Electromagnetics Academy. PIERS participants are encouraged to submit original and comprehensive articles on all aspects of electromagnetic theory and applications to PIER Journals. Authors are strongly suggested to visit the Author Guideline before preparing the manuscripts.

2. File Format:
To expedite the process, the following files are required.

    Source file in *.doc or *.tex (recommended) with figures.
    A *.pdf file of the manuscript including text, equations, and figures.

The LaTeX file is preferred. A style file is prepared for the LaTeX users. A set of sample files for PIERS full-length Paper using the style file are listed as follows.
For LaTex users: Sample.TEX, piers.sty, Sample.PDF
For WORD users, please do not worry about the *.doc format. Each article will be typeset in uniform PIERS TEX format.

3. Paper Submission Instruction
Please view the copyright transfer agreement before paper submission.
Abstracts: We strongly recommend you use On-Line-Submission to submit your contribution. An acknowledge email with assigned article key will be sent to you immediately if online submission is successful.
Do not online submit your revised version again. If any revision to the abstract, please log in to fill out the Abstract Revision Checklist by indicating the revised parts.

Extended Papers: To submit a extended paper for exsiting abstract, please log in or use Extended-Paper Online Submission. Manuscript which has been published on other journals should not be submitted as PIERS extended paper.

4. Acceptance Notice and Author Login
The Abstract Acceptance Notice will be sent 3 weeks after the Abstract Submission Deadline. You can request the login username and password if your email has been provided to PIERS. Author will be informed with username and password to login user webpage after the abstract is accepted. Co-Author will be sent an email and informed about this submission. Invitation Letters also can be downloaded in user webpage.

5. Pre-registration Process
All presenting authors must pay non-refundable pre-registration fee and is limited to present no more than three papers in oral and poster sessions. Only pre-registered and paid abstracts before pre-registration dealine will be scheduled in the symposium program. Inclusion of the submissions in the final Technical Program and PIERS Proceedings (full-length papers only) is guaranteed only after the pre-registration of the presenting author is completed. Your pre-registration will be valid only provided the payment is received timely.

On-site registration opportunity is for non-presenting authors only. Registration fee for your articles is non-refundable.

Registration Fee include admission to all technical sessions, coffee break areas, printed program. It does not include any other meals or lodging costs.
Kindly be aware that there is NO mail service of conference materials for no-show PIERS participants. The final PIERS Proceedings will be archived in IEEE Xplore since 2016.

6. Paper Proofread and Revision Process
Each article will be edited in uniform PIERS format. You can login to proofread and revise your article after it is accepted.

Abstract Revision checklist will be available on the user webpage after it is accepted and registered.

Full-length Paper Revision checklist will be available on the user webpage after the review process is finished and the paper is registered. If any revision, please fill out the revision checklist by indicating the page and line numbers where the revisions should be made.

    Do not upload the whole revised article without any indication.
    Revision sent by Email is not suggested as the email may be delayed or missed due to unpredicted internet problem. An acknowledge email will be sent to you immediately after the online revision checklist is successfully received.

7. Program Schedule
Usually, a Preliminary Program will be available online 1 month after the pre-registration deadline. Due to program schedule, your timely pre-registration before the deadline is highly appreciated. Final Program will be available 1 month before the conference date.

8. No-Show Policy
To avoid NO SHOW onsite, we highly appreciate that you can inform us in advance if you are not able to fulfill your onsite presentation due to unpredictable circumstances before the program is finalized. You are encouraged to find a colleague who can present the paper for you if you cannot make it to the conference. Please be reminded that if your paper is a no-show in oral presentation session, its full-length paper will not be included in the final PIERS proceedings.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-11-25
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