Conference Information
WCICA 2016: World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation
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Guilin, China
Viewed: 12914   Tracked: 3   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
WCICA 2016 welcomes proposals for invited sessions reporting innovative research results on focused topics and tutorials and workshops on novel emerging research topics. Please submit invited sessions and tutorial/workshop proposals to the Congress Secretariat at by December 20, 2015.

Areas and topics of contributed papers include but are not limited to the following:

A. Control Theory and Systems
A01. Linear Systems and Control
A02. Nonlinear Systems and Control
A03. Constrained Control
A04. Stability and Stabilization
A05. Robust Control
A06. Optimal Control
A07. Adaptive Control and Learning Control
A08. Process Control
A09. Predictive Control
A10. Variable Structure Control
A11. Guidance and Navigation
A12. System Modeling and Identification
A13. Networked Control Systems
A14. Stochastic Systems
A15. Chaotic Systems
A16. Distributed Parameter Systems
A17. Industrial Systems and Manufacturing
A18. Multi-Agent Systems and Distributed Control
A19. Advanced Control Algorithms and Applications
A20. Others

B. Intelligent Automation Systems
B01. Computational Intelligence and Applications
B02. Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Machine Learning
B03. Neural Networks and Control
B04. Fuzzy Systems and Fuzzy Control
B05. Nature-inspired (e.g., GA, Swarm Optimization) Computing
B06. Complex Networks
B07. Smart Grids
B08. Memristor
B09. NANO, MEMS and Mechatronics Systems
B10. Intelligent Automation, Manufacturing and Management Systems
B11. Biomedical Systems and Biosystems Automation
B12. Intelligent Transportation Systems
B13. Cyber Physical Systems and Sensor Networks
B14. Others

C. Big Data Automation
C01. Big Data Analysis, Compressed Sampling and Visualization
C02. Data-based Modeling and Control
C03. Data-based Diagnosis
C04. Data-based Optimization, Scheduling, and Decision Making
C05. Data-based Operations and Quality Control
C06. Data-based System Performance Analysis
C07. Cloud Control, Computing and Services
C08. Others

D. Engineering Optimization
D01. Intelligent Optimization and Applications
D02. Optimization for Industrial Automation Systems
D03. Logistics and Supply Chain Optimization
D04. Optimization for Decision Making Systems
D05. Others

E. Sensing, Modeling and Analysis
E01. System Modeling and Parameter Estimation
E02. Fault Diagnosis and Safe Operation
E03. System Simulation
E04. Online Monitoring
E05. Measurement Methods and Intelligent Instrumentation
E06. Sensors, Sensor Networks, Sensing and Signal Processing
E07. Others

F. Intelligent Robots and Brain-like Intelligence
F01. Fundamentals of robotics
F02. Industrial Robots and Intelligent Manufacturing
F03. Space Robots
F04. Ocean Robots
F05. Mobile Robots
F06. Medical Robots
F07. Service Robots and Intelligent Society
F08. Rehabilitation Robotics, Haptics and Assistive Technology
F09. Human-robot Interaction
F10. Motion Planning and Algorithms
F11. Sensory and Visual Feedback in Robots
F12. Robotics Applications
F13. Machine Intelligence	
F14. Biologically-inspired Intelligence
F15. Brain-like Intelligence
F16. Deep Learning for Control and Automation
F17. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and Autonomous Systems	
F18. Others

G. Others

H. Invited Sessions
H01. Modeling, Control and Optimization in Air Transportation System
H02. Quantum Control and Quantum Cybernetics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-11-29
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