Información de la conferencia
ARC 2021: International Symposium on Applied Reconfigurable Computing
Día de Entrega:
2021-03-15 Extended
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Rennes, France
Vistas: 12899   Seguidores: 1   Asistentes: 0

Solicitud de Artículos

Reconfigurable Computing (RC) has made its way into almost any area of computing. After decades of research, it has shown its potential and benefits in many application domains ranging from High Performance Computing (HPC) to embedded systems, from security to signal processing. Yet, there are still many open research questions: What is the optimal architecture for a particular application domain and how can we find it? How can we map applications to RC architectures? How can we model different application domains? What are the consequences of new technologies for RC architectures and tools?

ARC aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners of reconfigurable computing with an emphasis on practical applications of this promising technology. The symposium will have a number of international invited speakers who will share their views on the future of reconfigurable technology.

Topics of Interest

Contributions within (but not limited to) the following topics related to applied reconfigurable computing are very welcome:
Design Methods & Tools

    High-level Languages & Compilation
    Simulation & Synthesis
    Estimation Techniques
    Design Space Exploration
    Run Time Systems & Virtualization


    Security & Cryptography
    Time Sensitive/Critical Networks
    Big Data, HPC, Event Processing
    Embedded Computing & DSP
    Robotics, Space, Bioinformatics, Automotive
    Safety & Mission Critical Systems
    Deep Learning & Neural Networks

Trends (in)

    Teaching RC
    Surveys and Future Trends
    Emerging Technologies
    Cyberphysical Systems


    Self-adaptive, evolvable
    Heterogeneous & Embedded MPSoCs
    Low-Power Designs
    Approximate Computing
    Interconnect (NoCs, …)
    Resilient & Fault Tolerant
    Close-to-Sensor & Close-to-Memory computing
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2021-03-14
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Revistas Relacionadas
CCFNombre CompletoFactor de ImpactoEditorISSN
cInformation Retrieval1.700Springer1386-4564
aIEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing7.000IEEE1545-5971
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International0.500Springer1064-2307
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery3.800IEEE0885-8977
bData & Knowledge Engineering2.700Elsevier0169-023X
IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics & Bionics3.400IEEE2576-3202
BIT Numerical Mathematics1.600Springer0006-3835
bACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems2.800ACM1539-9087