Conference Information
ISKE 2015: International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering
Submission Date:
2015-08-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Taipei, Taiwan
Viewed: 13828   Tracked: 6   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2015) is the 10th in a series of ISKE conferences. ISKE 2015 follows the successful ISKE 2006 in Shanghai (China), ISKE 2007 in Chengdu (China), ISKE 2008 in Xiamen (China), ISKE 2009 in Hasselt (Belgium), ISKE 2010 in Hangzhou (China), ISKE 2011 in Shanghai (China), ISKE 2012 in Beijing (China), ISKE 2013 in Shenzhen (China), ISKE 2014 in Joao Pessoa, (Brazil), ISKE 2015 will take place in Taipei, Taiwan. ISKE 2015 emphasizes current practice, experience and promising new ideas in the broad area of intelligent systems and knowledge engineering. ISKE 2015 accepts submissions that have not been published or submitted in any form elsewhere. Besides technical/research papers, submissions reporting on industrial case studies are also welcome.

We are inviting new and unpublished papers on, but not limited to, the following topics:

    Foundations of Intelligent Systems:

    Artificial Intelligence Theories; Intelligent System Models; Logic, Reasoning & Problem Solving; Multi-Agent Systems; Soft Computing and Fuzzy Systems; Case-Based Reasoning, Neural Networks; Probabilistic Reasoning; Search, Optimization and Planning; Genetic and Swarm Computing; Pattern Recognition; Speech Recognition; Computer Vision; Machine Learning; Biological Inspired Computation; Game Theory; Computational Intelligence (Distributed computing, cloud computing, and pervasive computing); Image/Video Processing, Computer Vision and Brain-Computer Interface, Cognitive Systems and Information processing, and Computational Neuroscience;

    Knowledge Engineering and Management:

    Knowledge Representation and Modeling; Knowledge Maintenance; Knowledge Elicitation; Knowledge-Based Systems; Expert Systems or Decision Support Systems; Content Management and Knowledge Management Systems; Workflow Management Systems; Business Process Reengineering; Ontology Engineering (Modeling, Mapping, Integration); Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery; Natural Language Processing; Text Mining, Classification and Summarization; Textual Entailment; Question Answering Systems; Document Preparation and Text Processing; Language Translation and Linguistics; Information Storage, Annotation and Retrieval; Unstructured and Semi-Structured Data Retrieval; Data Simulation, Modeling, and Visualization; Information and Knowledge Integration (Semantic Web; SOA, XML and Business Process Integration);

    Practical Applications and Systems:

    Social Computing, Service Computing and Mobile Computing; Intelligent Game; Intelligent Multimedia; User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction; Intelligent Engineering Systems; Business Intelligence; Knowledge Engineering in E-commerce, in Art and in Education; Intelligent Bioinformatics Systems; Intelligent Healthcare Systems; E-learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems; Intelligent Systems in Engineering and Science (Transportation, Product Design, Physics, Chemistry, …, etc.); Knowledge-based Software Engineering; Adaptive and Intelligent Control Systems, Perceptron and Navigation; Intelligent issues in GIS, Networks or in Internet of Things; Social Issues of Knowledge Engineering;
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-07-17
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