Conference Information
ICDCIT 2024: International Conference on Distributed Computing and Intelligent Technology
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Bhubaneswar, India
Viewed: 11615   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
ICDCIT-2024 solicits original research papers contributing to the foundations and applications of Distributed Computing and Intelligent Technology in the following broad areas:

Distributed Computing

    Autonomous Computing, Self-organization, and Self-stabilization
    Blockchain & Its Applications
    Cloud and Edge Computing
    Distributed and Cloud Storage
    Distributed and Concurrent Data Structures
    Distributed Auctions Algorithms
    Distributed Graph Algorithms
    Distributed Machine Learning Algorithms
    Distributed Operating Systems, Middleware, Databases
    Fault-tolerant Algorithms
    Game-Theoretic Approaches to Distributed Computing
    High-Performance, Cluster and Grid Computing and IoT Systems
    Memory Management
    Mobile Robots, Autonomous Agents, Programmable Particles, Nanoscale Robots, Biological Systems
    Multi-Agent Systems
    Parallel Multiprocessor and Multi-Core Architectures and Algorithms
    Peer-to-peer Systems, Overlay Networks
    Replication and consistency
    Security in Distributed computing, Cryptographic Protocols
    WSN, mesh, and ad hoc networks

Intelligent Technologies

    Affective Computing
    AI and Formal Verification
    AI Planning
    Authenticity, Honesty & Deception
    Automated Vehicles
    Business Analytics
    Computational Intelligence
    Deep Learning
    Engineering Intelligent Systems
    Ethics and AI
    Explainability in AI
    Federated Learning
    Health Care Systems
    Intelligent Manufacturing
    Intelligent Transport Systems
    Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Representation
    Machine Learning
    Machine Vision
    Natural Language Processing
    Neuro-symbolic Computing
    Profiling and Social Networking
    Recommendation Systems
    Reinforcement Learning
    Security Systems
    Sentiment Analysis
    Social Memory & Cognition
    Society of Apps
    Speech Technologies
    Topic Detection
    Trustworthy Computing
    Constraint Satisfaction Problems
    Cyber Physical Systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-07-16
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