Conference Information
PRDC 2024: IEEE Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing
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Osaka, Japan
Viewed: 15350   Tracked: 6   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
PRDC 2024 is the 29th event in a series of symposia started in 1989 devoted to dependable and fault-tolerant computing; it encompasses fundamental theoretical approaches, practical experimental projects, and commercial components and systems. This symposium is recognized as the main event in the Pacific Rim area, and it provides a forum for countries around the world to exchange ideas for improving the dependability of computing systems.

Topics of interest include (but not limited to):

    Software and hardware reliability, resilience, safety, security, testing, verification, and validation
    Dependability measurement, modeling, evaluation, and tools
    Self-healing, self-protecting, and fault-tolerant systems
    Architecture and system design for dependability
    Prognostics in Complex Systems
    Reliability analysis of Complex Systems
    Fault-tolerant algorithms and protocols
    Cloud computing resiliency, security and privacy
    Software defined networks architectures and protocols
    Dependability issues in computing systems (e.g. computer networks and communications, high performance computing, real-time systems, storage and databases systems, cyber-physical systems, socio-technical systems, and blockchain and smart contracts).
    Emerging technologies (autonomous systems including autonomous vehicles, human machine teaming, smart devices/Internet of Things)
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-04-24
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