Conference Information
ACALCI 2015: Australasian Conference on Artificial Life and Computational Intelligence
Submission Date:
2014-09-20 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Newcastle, Australia
Viewed: 349   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Artificial life (AL) refers to models and simulations of living systems, as they appear in nature as well as to possible alternative life forms and concepts that may not have occurred in natural evolution. Computational Intelligence (CI) developed from the traditional fields of artificial intelligence into various areas of nature inspired computing and optimisation. It is often referred to as an umbrella for the areas of evolutionary computation, artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems and other learning systems. While AL attempts to understand nature through modelling and simulation, CI attempts to translate this understanding into algorithms for learning and optimisation.

ACALCI features international research in AL and CI and aims at becoming an exciting forum for innovative, emerging, cross-disciplinary and sometimes exotic ideas associated with the computational and algorithmic concepts underlying living and intelligent systems. The focus is on software-based and agent-based forms of artificial life but may also include computational aspects of synthetic life. Artificial life concepts can occur on sub-cellular, cellular, cell assembly/network, organism, or society levels.

ACALCI will be organised in broad technical sessions that bring together experts from different fields in AL, CI and associated areas. The forum also hopes to encourage ALCI applied research in domains as diverse as health, the creative arts and finance (to name a few). ACALCI encourages presentations, demonstrations, performances and discussions on new innovative research and interdisciplinary projects. Invited are high-quality papers relevant to AL or CI where the topics of interest include but are not limited to:

    Adaptive Ecologies 
    Affective Computing 
    AL and CI in the Creative Arts 
    Ant Colony Optimization 
    Applications of ALife Technologies 
    Autonomous Agents and Robotics 
    Architecture and CI 
    Artificial Bee Colony  Algorithms 
    Artificial Chemistry 
    Artificial Evolution 
    Artificial Insects 
    Artificial Neural Networks 
    Artificial Societies and Markets 
    Augmented and Virtual Realities 
    Autonomous Agents 
    Behaviour Simulations and Analysis 
    Big Data 
    Biocybernetic Computing 
    Biologically-Inspired Optimisation 
    Brain-Computer Interfaces 
    Cellular Automata 
    Cognitive Neuroscience
    Cognition and Memory
    Collective Intelligence
    Companion Robots
    Complex Systems
    Complexity of Alife Systems
    Computational Intelligence
    CI for Games
    Computational Neuroscience
    Consciousness and AI
    Creative Arts, Music and CI
    Crowd Behaviour Analysis
    Data Mining in Alife and Biosystems
    Deep Learning
    Design Analysis using CI
    Developmental Learning
    Digital Societies
    Dimensionality Reduction
    Embodiment and Robotics
    Emergence of Collaborative Behaviour
    Engineering of Consciousness and Mind
    Epidemiology Simulations
    Ethics, Privacy and Security in CI
    Evo-Devo Modelling
    Evolutionary Computation
    Evolutionary Design
    Facial Expression Analysis
    Forecasting of Complex Systems
    Fractal Techniques
    Game Playing Agents
    Generative Design
    Human Machine Interaction
    Humanities and Artificial Life
    Humanoid Robots
    Image and Video Analysis
    Implementation Techniques in AL and CI
    Information Theoretic Learning
    Intelligent Home Automation
    Language Processing
    Legged and Crawling Robots
    Machine Learning
    Machine Olfaction
    Manifold Learning
    Mathematical Models in Alife
    Medical Image Analysis and CI
    Memetic Algorithms
    Models of Emotions
    Multi-Agent Systems
    Music and Artificial Intelligence
    Neural Information Processing
    Neurodynamic Programming
    Networks in Alife and Biology 
    Non-player Game Characters
    Nursebots and Applications in Aged Care
    Optimisation and Heuristics
    Organic Computing
    Origins of Life
    Pattern Recognition
    Parallel and Distributed Computing in CI
    Particle Swarm Optimization
    Philosophy of Artificial Life
    Recurrent Networks
    Reservoir Computing
    Robotic Agents
    Semi-Supervised Learning
    Simulation and Modelling
    Smart Devices
    Smart Grid Techniques
    Social Networks and Alife
    Sociogenetic Dynamics
    Spiking Neural Networks
    Statistical Learning Theory
    Support Vector Machines
    Swarm Algorithms
    Synthetic Life Computations
    Synthetic Biology
    Systems Biology
    Timeseries Analysis
    Visual Information Processing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-09-14
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