Conference Information
ICT4S 2023: International Conference on ICT for Sustainability
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Rennes, France
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Call For Papers
ICT4S 2023 seeks submissions to the Research Papers track on diverse topics related to ICT for sustainability, including, but not limited to:

    Sustainable community building via ICT
    Potential of ICT for economic growth and decentralization
    Green E-Commerce, sustainable online-shopping
    Digital Sufficiency / Digital Sobriety
    ICT and circular economy / circular society
    Sustainability-driven resilience by and of ICT
    Social sustainability implications, contributions and limitations of ICT
    Enabling and systemic effects of ICT on society and/or the environment
    Smart cyber-physical systems (grids, city, home, farming)
    Sustainability in data centers and high-performance computing
    Green networking, monitoring and adaptation of software-intensive systems and services
    ICT-induced behavioral and societal change
    Design principles for sustainable ICT
    Sustainable software engineering
    Sustainability of technical infrastructures
    Software for sustainable business governance
    Reduced hardware obsolescence
    Incentives and nudges for more sustainable ICT
    Challenges for an environmentally sustainable ICT industry
    Art and education in ICT for sustainability
    Systematic interdisciplinary efforts in ICT for sustainability
    Computational sustainability
    Climate informatics
    Blockchain and Sustainability
    Cloud and sustainability
    Smart and Sustainability
    FinTech and Sustainability
    IST sustainability and SDGs
    Agile & Sustainability
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-11-05
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