TPDL 2020: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries
2020-04-03 Extended
Lyon, France
CORE: b   QUALIS: b1   浏览: 12858   关注: 0   参加: 0

Digital libraries and repositories store, manage, represent and disseminate rich and heterogeneous data that are often of enormous cultural, scientific, educational, artistic, and social value. Serving as digital ecosystems for empowering researchers and practitioners they provide unparalleled opportunities for novel knowledge extraction and discovery. New applications rise novel challenges that can only be addressed in an interdisciplinary community of researchers and practioners from various disciplines such as Digital Humanities, Information Sciences and others. TPDL 2020 attempts to facilitate establishing connections and convergences between these communities that could benefit from (and contribute to) the ecosystems offered by digital libraries and repositories. To become especially useful to the diverse research and practitioner communities, digital libraries need to consider special needs and requirements for effective data utilization, management and exploitation.

Following the previous TPDL editions, TPDL 2020 invites submissions for scientific and research work in the following categories: Full Papers, Short Papers, Posters and Demonstrations, Workshops and Tutorials, Panels and Doctoral Consortium submissions.


Contributions, either theoretical or applied, are welcome in all fields related to Digital Libraries. Below is given a (non-exhaustive) list of potential topics:

    Information Retrieval and Access
    Knowledge Discovery in Digital Libraries
    Document (Text) Analysis
    Services for Digital Arts and Humanities
    GLAM Data for Digital Arts and Humanities
    Research Data Management
    Data Repositories and Archives
    Web Archives
    Semantic Web Technologies and Linked Data for DLs
    Standards and Interoperability
    Digital Preservation and Curation
    Data and Information Lifecycle (creation, store, share and reuse)
    Linked Data
    Open Data and Knowledge
    Scholarly Communication
    Citation Analysis and Scientometrics
    Cultural Heritage Access and Analysis
    Digital History
    Data and Metadata Quality
    Digital Service Infrastructures
    Research Infrastructures
    User Participation
    User Interface and Experience
    Information interaction and seeking behavior in digital libraries
    User studies for digital library development
    Sustainability of digital libraries
    Legal Issues
    Emerging New Challenges and Opportunities
    Applications of Digital Libraries
    Collection Development and Discovery
最后更新 Dou Sun 在 2020-03-28
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