Conference Information
SysInt 2014: International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence
Submission Date:
2013-12-06 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Bremen, Germany
Viewed: 11495   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Due to the great success of the 1st Joint Symposium, the organizers are proud to announce the 2nd Joint International Conference on System-integrated Intelligence: New Challenges for Product and Production Engineering, that will be held in Bremen from July 2nd (Wed.) to 4th (Fri.) 2014.

The conference provides a forum for academia and industry to present their latest research findings, innovations and practises in the field of systemintegrated intelligence. It focuses on the integration of advanced functional capabilities into materials, systems, parts and products as an enabling technology for established application scenarios as well as new products and services. The perspective is highly interdisciplinary. The technological basis extends from new sensor technologies via material-integrated sensing and intelligence to aspects of communication and data evaluation. It includes the implementation of such approaches in autonomous decision-making, self-optimization and control in advanced engineering products and systems.

The conference further addresses wider fields of research, such as materials science and engineering, microsystems technology, mechatronic systems and production engineering as well as electronics and computer science. Specific application environments in the field of robotics, structural health monitoring, production and logistics will be highlighted in the programme through definition of dedicated symposia. Studies on implementation of system-integrated intelligence in additional scenarios beyond this scope are highly welcome.

Individual topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

    Methods and Algorithms: Agent-based systems, machine learning and biologically- inspired methods for optimization and planning
    Self-Optimization and Autonomous Control: Design, reliability, modelling and validation
    Sensorial Materials, material-integrated sensing and intelligence
    Advanced Applications of Autonomous Objetcts and Systems
    Human-Machine-Interaction: Visualization and transparency
    Gentelligent Production
    Cyber-Physical Systems in Production and Logistics
    Perceptive Robotics
    Structural Health Monitoring
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2013-09-19
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