Conference Information
BlackSeaCom 2023: International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking
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Istanbul, Turkey
Viewed: 16584   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 11th International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking seeks original, completed, and unpublished technical papers not currently under review by any other journal, magazine, or conference. Besides the regular technical papers, the technical program seeks poster papers that present work in progress with preliminary results and demos. Also, IEEE BlackSeaCom seeks proposals for tutorials and special sessions.


    5G mobile systems, 6G connectivity and applications
    Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics in wireless communications and networks Software-defined networks, network virtualization, and network slicing
    Communications and networks for cloud, edge and fog
    Internet of Things (IoT) applications and Sensor Networks
    Social networking, smart cities, and multimedia communications
    Connected health and e-Health
    Optical networks and systems, radio over fiber
    Mobile and wireless communications and networking
    Image, speech and signal processing for communications
    Molecular and nanoscale communications
    Modelling, semantic web and ontologies, and interoperability for the Internet, the Metaverse and related applications
    Big data analysis, processing, and transmission
    Smart grids, M2M and vehicular networks
    Future Internet and testbeds
    Network and Service Management
    Communications and Information theory
    Cognitive radio and networking
    Security, privacy, and trust
    Sustainable communications and computing
    Electromagnetic compatibility
    Drones, UAV, V2X communications
    Cloud-based data streaming
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-01-22
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